Evidence strongly suggests that increasing Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet helps prevent heart disease and, at increased consumption levels, may dramatically cut the mortality rate in heart attach survivors. Ocean-farmed salmon, a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids, is also full of high-quality proteins and low in saturated fat. Ocean-farmed salmon is the healthy choice for a healthy lifestyle.

Why is ocean-farmed salmon a healthy choice?

Salmon is Low in Saturated Fat

While high in essential fatty-acids (polyunsaturated fats), ocean-farmed salmon is low in “bad” fats, or saturated fats. Saturated fats are linked to higher cholesterol levels. Ocean-farmed salmon has approximately a third of the saturated fat of lean ground beef and 50 percent less saturated fat than chicken.

Salmon is Low in Trans-fatty Acids

Ocean-farmed salmon contains little of the harmful trans-fatty acids usually found in processed foods. Preparing ocean-farmed salmon dishes is a great-tasting way to lower the level of trans-fatty acids in your diet.

Consumption of trans-fatty acids increases LDL cholesterol levels (“bad cholesterol”) and lowers HDL cholesterol levels (“good cholesterol”), leading to a greater risk of heart disease and stoke. Some studies also suggest trans-fatty acids are linked to an increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

As of 2003, the FDA advised that the daily intake of trans fat should be as low as possible, and effective as of January 1, 2006, the administration has mandated that all manufacturers list trans-fat on nutrition labels. Learn more »

Salmon is Low in Calories

This low-fat, high protein food source is also low in calories. One serving of ocean-farmed salmon contains only 183 calories, which is lower than both beef or chicken, as well as many other fish. Incorporating ocean-farmed salmon into a diet is an excellent way to lower calorie consumption.

Salmon is High in Protein

Ocean-farmed salmon provides as much high-quality, complete protein per mouthful as chicken, ground beef, pork or tuna. This type of protein contains sufficient amounts of all the essential amino acids required by the body for growth and maintenance of muscle tissue. In addition to essential amino acids, high-quality proteins help maintain an active metabolism, which plays an integral role in weight loss.